.\get-webinventory.ps1 -siteurl <url of site> | export-csv -NoTypeInformation -Path<file location>
To get Visio chart perform the following:
1.Log on to the SharePoint Server
2.Open Powershell, cd to script locationRun .\get-spwebinventory.ps1 -url <siteurl> | export-csv -NoTypeInformation -Path <csv file>
3.Copy the output file to your workstation with Visio 2010 installed
4.Open Visio and create an Org Chart
5.Click the Org Chart tab and click Import
6.Click "Next", "Text or Excel File", Browse to output file csv, Next
1.Name: ID
2.Reports to: ParentID
3.First Name: RelativeUrl
8.Display Fields: RelativeUrl
10.Move all columns to Shape Date Fields
12.Click "I want to specifiy....."
13.Next, Finish
Once the chart has been create, subordinate format can be changed by right clicking the parent and choosing "Arrange Subordinates"
Script: get-webinventory.ps1
# COMMENTS: This script will be used to get a list of lists and counts for # a site url. It will traverse the URL and go though the subsites # as well. # # ———————————————————————— # param ($url) Function Get-WebSiteInventory{ Param([string]$url) $site = get-spsite $url foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) { $LastModified = $Web.LastItemModifiedDate $SnapShot = (get-date) $LastUpdate = ($SnapShot – [datetime]$LastModified) [uri]$weburl = $web.url $relativeurl = ($web.url).replace(($web.site.url),"") $data = @{ “Site” = $web.title “URL” = $web.url "RelativeURL" = $relativeurl “ID” = $web.ID “ParentID” = $web.ParentWebID “Last Modified” = $web.LastItemModifiedDate “Snaphost Date” = $SnapShot “Last Update” = $LastUpdate.Days "HasUniquePerms" = $web.HasUniquePerm "Owners Group" = $web.AssociatedOwnerGroup "Group Count" = ($web.groups).count } New-Object PSObject -Property $data $web.Dispose(); } $site.Dispose() } If ((Get-PsSnapin |?{$_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"})-eq $null) { $PSSnapin = Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } Get-WebSiteInventory $url
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